Omnichannel Contact Center

Radically simple and affordable Contact Center Platform

Built from the ground up with cutting-edge Internet technologies, our solution unites your business communication in one place, from anywhere.

A Single tool for Sales and Support

Our Solution improves your agents conversations with prospects and customers. From phone calls to chatbots and beyond, you get more efficient, effective engagement every time.

And for uncommon conversation flows, our APIs allow customization for unlimited adaptability.

Live Monitoring and coaching

Imagine every call handled by a top performer. We will help you get there with innovative analytics, monitoring & coaching features that allow managers and experienced agents to easily coach colleagues in real-time.

WebChat & WebCall

Make your contact center truly Internet ready. Embed real time communication into your web.

Powerful Insights

Stop struggling to find data. With Samespace, the data finds you! Our powerful and simple analytics module shows AHT, ASA, sentiment, abandon rate, and more, all in one distinct display.

Easily view, filter, save and export in seconds, so you can turn your insights into actions sooner.

Integrate with all your apps.

Many of our customers have existing CRM solutions, like Salesforce or HubSpot. We turn all of them into world-class contact center tools with off-the-shelf CTI integration, rapid custom integration using Samespace Studio, and adaptable open APIs. 

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